22 Best Indoor Plants: Low-Light and Easy Houseplants

plants for the house

If you notice your Persian shield beginning to turn brown, lack of humidity or underwatering is likely the cause. Persian shields do best with consistently moist, not soggy, soil and higher than normal household humidity levels. With long, trailing, waxy leaves and bright red flowers, lipstick plant is a stunner!

20 Hard-to-Kill Indoor Plants That Don't Need Sunlight to Thrive - Real Simple

20 Hard-to-Kill Indoor Plants That Don't Need Sunlight to Thrive.

Posted: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

It’s an excellent choice for seed trays, featuring blue-, red-, and white-light LEDs. I kept the Aspect pendant light spotlighting the succulent on a timer for 15 hours a day, roughly 12 inches above its soil, because I knew it could handle the constant heat. The pothos and the aloe plant were underneath the AeroGarden Grow Light Panel, which shone for 8 hours at least four days a week. Because we’re on a hybrid work schedule, I was worried they’d have died via lack of sunlight on days I wasn’t in the office. Luckily, the pothos and aloe plants are robust and thrive with intermittent sunlight. ZZ plants grow from rhizomes under the soil, which look like small potatoes and help them store water during periods of drought.

Do Lucky Bamboo Plants Grow in Water?

As the name implies, heart leaf ferns are famed for their adorable glossy, heart-shaped leaves. The first recorded sighting of heart-leaf fern dates back to 1859 when it was first identified in southeast Asia. Friendship plant’s highly textured leaves come in a range of colors, from almost neon green to a more muted silvery-tone. Super easy to propagate, friendship plant is named for the ease with which it can be shared with friends. One of the easiest palms to grow inside, fishtail palms generally grow to about 6’ in height when mature. Like other palms, if you notice your fishtail’s leaves beginning to turn brown, assess your plant’s moisture levels and consider adding a humidifier or pebble tray to your setup.

What are the mental health benefits of caring for a houseplant?

For complete cultivation details, be sure to read our guide on how to grow and care for anthurium houseplants. Houseplants add a beautiful ambiance to our homescapes, with cool, green foliage, elegant forms, and interesting textures – and ones that flower add delightful flair. These twining evergreen climbers bear clusters of richly scented flowers, and enjoy growing in bright shade in a free-draining soil.

House Plants for the Living Room and Dining Room

To keep your bamboo happy, just provide it with bright, indirect light and refrain from overfertilizing your plant, which can cause leaf yellowing and scorching. Aim to create a consistent watering schedule, watering your aralia when the top 1 to 2” of soil is dry to the touch, or approximately once a week during the growing season. While often sold as small, tabletop plants, China dolls can grow quite tall, reaching up to 8’ tall in a relatively short period of time. Although China dolls rarely bloom indoors, when kept as outdoor specimens, they will grow large, white trumpet-shaped flowers.

Peace lilies are also highly tolerant to drought, and you only need to check them once a week or so. They also benefit from gently washing their leaves once a year or so, which helps remove dust. Ultimately, the extraordinarily low maintenance requirements make these a beginner-friendly plant suitable for almost any home or office area. Make sure to buy sturdy pots, and repot every two years or so as it grows. Asparagus ferns have unusually strong roots, and they may break weaker pots.

plants for the house plants for the house

Rep Andrew Garbarino, R-N.Y., sent a letter to Regan this week questioning the EPA's authority to regulate power plant emissions. They are "a big deal," Ben Jealous, executive director of the Sierra Club, told USA TODAY on Wednesday. "They're saying power companies are going to have to do a much better job of being a better neighbor." Kevin Cortez is an editor for Runner's World, Bicycling, and Popular Mechanics covering reviews. A culture and product journalist for over ten years, he’s an expert in men’s style, technology, gaming, coffee, e-bikes, hiking, gear, and all things outdoors.


Devil’s ivy looks lovely trailing out of a hanging basket, climbing up a pole or other structure, or just being left to meander over a tabletop or mantel. The longtime darling of interior designers, weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) produces tons of shiny green, teardrop-shaped leaves on slender branches. You can find braided forms, too, featuring three or more of these small trees woven together to form one spectacular trunk. Unlike the fiddle leaf fig, this indoor tree isn’t fussy about water and humidity. After blooms fade, allow the plant to go dormant by withholding water. You could say that philodendrons are made for the bathroom—they love humidity and only need a little indirect light.

Dragon Tree

It’s native to countries in eastern Africa such as Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. They’re great for homes and offices because of their full leafy appearance and low-needs care routine. Its leaves are also naturally shiny and glossy and shiny, which makes it look healthy and bright even when it has been slightly neglected. Exotic and highly colored, bromeliads are tropical plants love bright sunny spots and are easy-to-grow, long lasting house plants.

Talk to the people at your local plant store or nursery for some advice. They might also suggest some other plants that are suited to your space, like aloe vera, Boston ferns, or areca palms. You often see English ivy (Hedera helix) outdoors, but it makes a nice houseplant, too.

Some of the following houseplants may be toxic to humans or animals as noted below. Like some of the other popular houseplants on this list, the hoya kerrii can be tricky to find at big-box stores. However, Waggoner says you'll likely have good luck looking at boutique plant shops or on Etsy.

If you ever find yourself wondering 'why is my pothos turning yellow? Easy to care for and highly rewarding, pothos are large leaved climbers (or trailers depending on your preference) are prolific and almost thrive on neglect. This makes Philodendron Cordatum a perfect houseplant for any home or office.

The attractive pink, green and white foliage of stromanthe triostar may have you believing this beauty is a high-maintenance plant, but that’s not the case. Well-adapted to average household conditions, this plant prefers a bit of humidity and regular and consistent waterings. As houseplants, these plants rarely grow above 4’ tall and are often kept as bonsais due to their treelike forms. Preferring moderate to high humidity levels, place your plant near a humidifier or on a pebble tray to prevent crispy leaves and leaf drop. Native to Brazil, purple shamrocks prefer humidity levels around 50% and consistently moist, but not soggy, soil.

As desert plants, ponytail palms don’t require much water and prefer bright light throughout the day. Before you buy your house plant, check which conditions it needs to grow well and whether you can provide those conditions in your home. Most indoor plants thrive in bright but indirect light – a few feet from a window is ideal. No house plant will be happy next to a radiator, open fire or air conditioning unit. The wide, straplike leaves of the corn plant resemble the leaves of its namesake, corn. Yet this houseplant belongs to the diverse dracaena (Dracaena deremensis) family of tropical plants.

Non-toxic to pets, cast iron plants will grow 2 to 3’ tall and can live over 25 years when properly maintained. Coming in both solid and variegated varieties, for a bigger impact and more color, try adding several bromeliads to your houseplant display. Jon VanZile was a writer for The Spruce covering houseplants and indoor gardening for almost a decade. He is a professional writer whose articles on plants and horticulture have appeared in national and regional newspapers and magazines. The ZZ plant, also known by names like emerald palm and arum fern, is a durable and drought-resistant plant ideal for beginners. It thrives well in low-light conditions, so it won’t crowd other plants out of the sunnier areas in your house.


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